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Frequently Asked Questions

Because we all have them!

How do I sign up for a group class?

Because we run the group reformer classes as a series, you need to pre-register for your weekly sessions. This is offered as a 4 pack (progressions) or 6 pack for essentials. Please contact to sign up! Online booking isn't available (yet!) Feel free to contact me directly through the site as well to register.

Can I drop in to a group class?

No, we do not offer drop ins. My intention with the group reformer is to build consistency and results from regular training. This also allows for community building, preserving the intregrity of the group, and for me to see how your body moves! I like to view it as your guaranteed spot for the month! I also don't want anyone to feel overwhelmed or underwhelmed by improper management of the levels. 

Do I need grip socks?

Nope! Grip socks are not mandatory, however feel free to wear them if you wish. All equipment is thoroughly sanitized after each session. 

What is the cancellation policy? 

Because the sessions are a pre-registered series, we do not offer refunds or make up sessions. If you miss a session, it is unfortunately lost. However, we do not charge late fees/cancellation fees. You are welcome to offer your spot to a friend if you know you are going to miss (as long as they are the same level as you!)

FAQ's Continued

Are the classes pre/post natal friendly?

The short answer is no. If you are new to Pilates, I highly recommend scheduling private sessions that can be tailored to your specific needs to support you during your pregnancy. Pilates is a wonderful tool for pelvic floor health, however, if not used properly it can make recovery more difficult. Feel free to contact me directly to discuss your unique situation. 

I have an injury, are the group classes safe for me?

The short answer, is no. Unfortunately, due to the nature of group classes I cannot guarantee that every exercise will be appropriate for you. Depending on the injury, and the severity it is a good idea to book a 1 on 1 for an assessment and any modifications you may need to join a group in the future! Please contact me directly if you need more clarification. 


MONDAY 11:00 - 7PM

TUESDAY  12:30 - 7PM









| TEL.604-312-4992

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